Smoking and Tobacco Use
Applies to: | Original Policy Date: | Date of Last Review: | Approved by: |
Faculty, staff, students, contractors, and campus visitors | 06/01/2015 | 06/28/2022 | Dr. Marco Carvalho Executive Vice President and Provost |
Policy Owner: Office of Compliance and Risk Management
Policy Purpose
Florida Institute of Technology is committed to promoting a healthy working and learning environment for faculty, staff, students, and campus visitors. This policy aims to reduce unwanted exposure of faculty, staff, students, and visitors to tobacco or vape products and to establish designated areas on campus for those who choose to use these products. This policy addresses requirements of the Florida Clear Indoor Air Act.
Policy Scope
This policy applies to all Melbourne Campus faculty, staff, students, contractors, and other campus visitors, including the public.
Policy Statement
Florida Institute of Technology prohibits smoking, vaping, and the use of smokeless tobacco products in all university owned or controlled buildings, facilities, and vehicles, and outdoors on Melbourne campus except in designated smoking areas as identified on the University Designated Smoking Areas map. This includes all university owned or controlled student residential facilities. All used tobacco products must be appropriately and safely disposed of in designated receptacles.
- Designated Smoking Area signs have been posted around the Florida Tech campus. The University’s Campus Map is available for reference. All faculty, staff, students, contractors, or other campus visitors should utilize those areas when smoking.
- Reports of employee violations of this policy can be made to Human Resources at
- Reports of student violations can be made to the Dean of Students at
- Reports of contractor or visitor violations can be made to the Department of Security at (321) 674-8112 or directly to a security officer. If someone is in doubt of who to report to, they may report directly to the Department of Security.
- Florida Tech will investigate the complaint and may take the enforcement steps articulated in this policy.
Smoking: Inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, cigarillo, hookah, beedi, kretek, electronic cigarette, juul, water pipe, or other inhalant/vaping device in which tobacco, tobacco substitute, or other material is smoked; and includes products containing or delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption.
Vaping: The use of electronic nicotine delivery systems or electronic smoking/vaping devices such as e-cigarettes, e-pipes, e-hookahs and e-cigars, whether or not the product contains nicotine.
Smokeless Tobacco: Tobacco that is chewed or inhaled rather than smoked by the user.
Compliance Reference
Florida Clean Indoor Air Act of 1985 (FCIAA)
- All individuals on university owned or controlled property, or in university owned or controlled facilities or vehicles, are responsible to adhere to this policy.
- The Office of Risk and Compliance in conjunction with Human Resources, the Dean of Students, and Facilities has authority to designate smoking areas or to revoke such designation and is responsible to maintain an updated map of the University’s Designated Smoking Areas.
- Facilities Operations is responsible for the maintenance of Designated Smoking Areas and smoking materials receptacles.
- Designated offices that receive reports of violations of this policy are responsible for reviewing and addressing the complaint as described in this policy.
Employees, including student workers, and others representing Florida Tech who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which could include a warning, fines, removal from campus housing, or other actions up to removal from campus.
Campus visitors who violate this policy will be warned. Further failure to comply will result in removal from campus.